Welcome To My Homepage
It's me
In this first paragraph, I want to be relationship to all that reason for building a Web site. saha wae maneh urang hayang apal euy below to give detailed introductions, or I can just summarize the introduction here. I could also give visitors tips for browsing my site--what's located under each button ok! geus ah lieur loba teuing basa basi mah
Photo urang hade pisan euy siga personel beatle keur ngurek belut
Under one of these subheadings, it's a good idea to list recent updates to my site so that visitors, especially return visitors, can check out the new stuff first. For example, I could list the date and a brief description of the update.
I could also list updated news about my site's topic. For example, if my site were about a particular sport, I'd could discuss the outcome of a recent competition.
I could also list updated news about my site's topic. For example, if my site were about a particular sport, I'd could discuss the outcome of a recent competition.
look more close !
Another idea for my home page's text is notifying visitors about the enhancements I put on my site. For example, I want visitors to sign my guestbook or fill out my survey Form E-mailer to answer questions about my site, my business, or my site's topic.
Sok lah sing jongjon ng'browsingna
I might not want a large amount of text on my home page if I want to guide visitors toward my other pages. Instead of text, I can add others' buttons to this first page, and I'll be rewarded for people who click on the buttons. tapi mun edek jailmah sing jauh nyingkah kaditu siah!
Nyoen2 Gmn kabarnye? kpn mo ngasih duren? oh iya mksh ya atas free health consultation, kmu emnk baek bgt...............! thnks
Even if I don't put much text on my home page, it's a good idea to include hidden tools that will help me promote my site, so people other than my friends and family actually see it. For example, I could add meta tags, which are hidden codes that allow search engines to find my site. I could also install stats and a counter so I know how many people are visiting. If not many are visiting, submitting my site to search engines will guide more traffic to my site.